300 Hour Advanced Yoga Teacher Training

Are you a mover, a shaker, or a visionary? Are you a 200-Hour Teacher yearning for more?
Now it is time to take the plunge. Expand what you know and dive deeper. Through comprehensive practice, scientific rigor, and profound contemplation, take your dedicated practice to an entirely new level. Allow your practice and teaching to be about constant discovery and surprise as it unfolds to new realms.
Our 300-Hour advanced yoga teacher training is a professional training to differentiate yourself in a growing marketplace. Designed to round out and solidify your education, it will help you develop your own unique teaching identity. By cultivating the wisdom of this ancient tradition you will learn how to apply this deep knowledge to a practice that is relevant in today’s world.
This advanced curriculum will strengthen your knowledge as a yoga practitioner, expand your skill level as a yoga teacher, and foster your evolution as a yoga professional. There is no better time than now to make a commitment to you and your community. Join a group of extraordinary teachers who have been on the leading edge in the Hampton Roads yoga community and beyond.
Remember, space is limited. To request more information or an application please email teachertraining@studiobambooyoga.com

Prepare yourself for a profound curriculum incorporating yogic techniques allowing you to enhance your physical, mental, and spiritual life. This training offers the highest standards for personal growth and self-awakening as it will strengthen your knowledge as a practitioner, expands your skills as a teacher, and foster your evolution as a leader in the global community.
In our leading-edge program you will explore a variety of disciplines from different lineages to gain knowledge and skills in the following areas:
Develop a deeper understanding of the components of asanas
Understand how and why the asanas work
Be confident in providing safe and supportive assists and references (including hands-on based on alignment and energy)
Learn why alignment matters and understand why it isn’t the same for every body
- Learn the effects of pranayama on anatomy and subtle body
Master the complete sequencing of pranayama to downregulate or upregulate the nervous system
Explore the science and practice of meditation
Establish a practical method for weaving meditation into your teaching
Yoga Humanities:
Address the complex conversation surrounding diversity & inclusivity in yoga (& the world)
Understand the need for SEVA and how you can put action to service
Cultivate a deeper appreciation of the roots of the practice and better understand how to honor the lineage with respect
Anatomy and Physiology:
Demonstrate a better understanding of human anatomy and physiology and the subtle body as it relates to the practice of yoga.
Learn to evaluate students' alignment based on the dynamics and energy of the musculoskeletal system.
Understand how each pose affects the systems of the body
Gain an understanding of the Polyvagal Theory and why it has become such a hot topic
Professional Essentials including Teaching Methodology and Professional Development:
Cultivate strong leadership skills and learn to better communicate in group dynamics.
Learn to identify and address specific needs of individual and special populations in group and private settings
Nurture your authentic voice and incorporate inclusive language and non-violent communication
Refine your cueing to be a more effective teacher
Establish a niche of your own within your community
Grow your yoga business through leadership and development coaching
For the duration of the training we will gain knowledge and understanding in the practices of:
Adaptive Yoga
Working with Injuries
Yoga Nidra
Yoga & Longevity